Order Entry and Processing
With SLICEplus software, you can generate a quotation, book the order, reserve the inventory, and produce dig lists, load lists, acknowledgements and confirmations.
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- Enter, update, print and track quotations and orders
- Commit current and future inventory
- Multi-location inventory
- Multiple price points by customer type and quantity breaks
- Future order booking
- Track orders by customer or item
- Print acknowledgements, confirmations and invoices
- Multiple payment types or bill accounts receivable
Order Management
SLICEplus allows you access to effectively produce and ship your orders.
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- Print pick tickets or dig lists by crew, machine or location
- Back-order inquiry and processing
- Print load lists or shipping tickets
- Print bar-coded plant tags
Sales Analysis
SLICEplus software helps you determine what items are selling and which items are profitable.
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- Invoice profit analysis
- Customer sales and profit analysis by month, year-to-date and previous years
- Item sales by month, year-to-date and previous years
- Salesperson analysis by invoice, year-to-date and previous years
- Detail sales by customer by item
Nursery Production
With SLICEplus, you can control and schedule your crop production.
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- Create a production plan and schedule labor, materials and equipment necessary to produce your crop
- Generate work tickets by date or crew
- Compare actual versus estimated costs
- Know what products are in production
- Monitor nursery efficiency
- Plan your crop production by outstanding orders