SLICEplus Webinars
If you were unable to join us for our Lunch and Learn webinars, you will find links to them here.

Available Webinars
These files are large and can take some time to download initially. A high-speed connection is highly recommended.
Landscape and Maintenance
Bidding and Estimating
Learn how to enter bids, Enter bids by phase, Automatically calculate assembly items/factors such as mulch, fertilizers and tree stakes, Modify overheads by bid or even by item within a bid, Force bid prices to a fixed grand total, Suppress line items from printing on proposals, Adjust labor or ingredients on the fly, Email proposals.
Time and Material Billing for Landscape and Maintenance
Covers the setup as well as how to use the new time and material billing feature. This new feature allows you to release material and enter labor hours and have that auto invoice the customer without the need to create a manual invoice.
Mobile App Crew Tracking through mSLICE Crews
Learn how to use the mobile mSLICE Crews time tracking application in conjunction with SLICE. Our mobile application is available both via the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. It will download in English or Spanish, dependent on the default language set for the device. This demonstration will step through how to setup and administer users, use the functionality of the application, and how to manage and approve the time that is sent back to SLICE from your crews.
Nursery and Garden Center
Wholesale Nursery Quotes
Learn about Pricing options, Setting items on sale with start dates and end dates, Entering quotes, Editing quotes, Printing quotes, Item substitution and Copying quotes
Wholesale Nursery Order Entry
when not selecting and committing locations on the order entry screen
Learn about Pricing options, Turning a quote into an order, Future orders, Converting future orders to current orders, Master orders, Using broker information, Creating an order on a purchase order, Modifying ship date on individual line items in the order, Counter orders, Allocating items oversold on orders, Order inquiry
Wholesale Nursery Order Entry
when using the order entry screen to select and commit locations
Learn about Pricing options, Turning a quote into an order, Committing location in order entry, Locations and priorities, Future orders, Converting future orders to current orders, Master orders, Using broker information, Creating an order from a purchase order, Modifying ship date on individual line items in the order, Counter orders, Allocating items oversold on orders, Order inquiry
Master Orders
Learn about Master Orders in Order Entry. You will use this when you have one large order that ships throughout the season even to different addresses like different stores, for example.
Future Orders
Learn about how to set up future orders in Order Entry and convert future order to current orders.
Nursery and Retail Pricing
Learn about pricing options including percentage discounts, quantity breaks, net pricing, volume discounts, specials and sale pricing.
Retail Rewards Program Capability
Learn how you can use the SLICEplus system to implement a Customer Loyalty Rewards Program totally tracked within SLICEplus.
Crystal Reports
Introduction to Crystal Reports for 2008 version
Learn how to Identify a Crystal report in SLICEplus, Access and open a report, Make changes and save them to a new report, Understand table layouts, Identify and add/delete files in a report, Set paths to the tables in the SLICE database.
Intermediate Crystal Reports
If you already know the basics of Crystal Reports, this dwells deeper into Crystal Report functions. Learn about Sorting and Grouping, including multiple groups and adding summaries, Creating and Using Parameters (viewer inputs) and Selection Criteria: Creating selection formulas and using Parameters in selection
Advanced Crystal Reports
This webinar builds on the previous Crystal Reports webinars, introducing more advanced functions. Learn about using formulas including the formula editor, number formulas, string formulas, date formulas and selection formulas, using sections and other additional advanced features.
Introduction to Crystal Reports Webinar for Crystal 9 version
Covers basic Crystal Reports including how to access and identify a Crystal report in SLICEplus and how to open it in Crystal and save your changes to a new report. Explores table layouts showing how to identify and add/delete fields in a report.
Accounting, Purchasing, Invoicing and Payment Processing
Accounts Receivable
Learn how to enter a payment from a client, adjust a previously entered payment, adjust a prior invoice, apply an existing credit on an account to a posted invoice, enter deposit information for bank reconciliation, run reports including cash receipts, statements and aging, generate finance charges for overdue invoices, age accounts into 30-60-90 buckets and adjust the overall client account.
Accounts Payable
Learn how to reconcile invoice with the purchase order, calculate dates and discount dates, make full or partial payment of invoices, adjust current AP invoice, correct expense account previously entered, enter electronic payments, view vendor status and purchase history and print computer checks.
Learn how SLICE helps you stay on top of your inventory. Learn how to control and monitor your purchases by tracking items ordered, received and paid, Learn about search capabilities, item entry, inventory movement, quantity on hand, quantity committed, sequencing, discounting, receipts, and reconciling.
Mass Email Invoice Capability
Learn how you can improve your cash flow by going to paperless billing. Send all your invoices via email at once to your clients which will save on time and postage. Join the other SLICEplus clients saving an average of 11 days on cash payments.
Integrated Credit Card Processing Webinar
Covers integrated credit card processing in SLICEplus. Learn the setup as well as how to use the new integrated ChargeItPro offering. This option replaces the PC Charge integrated offering. There is no software cost to add in this option.
Year End Procedures Webinar
Covers necessary year end routines that should be run either at calendar year end or fiscal year end including resetting customer, vendor and inventory activity, printing 1099s, closing our your financials, and generating year-end reports
Integrated Contact Relationship Management
Covers Prospect Management and setup including SLICE Calendar, Scheduling Activities, Using Contact Management Reports, MapIt and email. Also goes over Customer Management including, AR Detail, MapIt, Email, Issue Que and Business Detail.
